House Design Factors for environmentally sustainable buildings in Warm Humid Climates(Sub-Tropical)


 (Examples: Brisbane and areas inland of Townsville)


* High humidity with a definite "dry season".

* Hot to very hot summers with mild winters

* Distinct summer/winter seasons.

* Moderate to low diurnal (day/night) temperature range. This can vary significantly between regions, e.g. inland

  to coastal.


* Use lightweight construction where diurnal (day/night) temperature range is low and include thermal mass where diurnal range issignificant.

* Maximise external wall areas (plans ideally one room deep) to encourage movement of breezes through the building (cross ventilation).

* Site for exposure to breezes.

* Shade whole building where possible in summer.

* Allow passive solar access in winter months only.

* Shade all east & west walls & glass year round.

* Avoid auxiliary heating as it is unnecessary with good design.

* Use reflective and bulk insulation (especially if the house is air-conditioned) and vapour barriers.

* Use Elevated construction with enclosed floor space, where exposed to breezes.

* Choose light coloured roof and wall materials

* Provide screened and shaded outdoor living.


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